Keeping Your Child Home from School:

If your child is home for less than 3 days and does not visit the doctor, you may call the school or write a note and sign it. The school will consider this excused.*

Please refer to the chart below to determine when a doctor's note is required and when a guardian’s note is acceptable. 

If your child will be home for 3-5 days or longer, the school may require a doctor's note for the absence to be considered excused. If the illness does not warrant a visit to the office but you still need a note, please send us a message via MyChart with the details and duration of the illness, or complete the form below within 72 hours of the illness.

*Schools may take action if a child accumulates a significant number of unexcused absences. We can assist you in providing documentation to excuse absences due to illness when you follow our policies outlined above. However, we cannot write notes for illnesses that occurred a significant time ago if we did not see or discuss them at that time.